Summer EBT/SUN Bucks are now available for Ohio students up to the age of 19
This new program in Ohio helps families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer months.
Is my child eligible for S-EBT?
If your child currently receives SNAP or Ohio Works First:
Your child will be automatically enrolled and does not need to apply.
- If your child currently receives Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), benefits should be added to their Ohio Direction Card, and you do not need to fill out an application.
- If your child currently receives Ohio Works First (OWF) but not SNAP, they will be automatically enrolled. Benefits will be issued on a separate card that will come in the mail.
If your child currently receives Medicaid and is income eligible:
Your child may be eligible.
- If your child participates in Medicaid but not SNAP or OWF, they’ll be automatically enrolled if your household income was at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level when you applied for Medicaid. If so, you do not need to fill out an application. A new card will be sent in the mail. If your household income was higher when you applied but has since changed, you may still be eligible and you will need to fill out an application to receive benefits.
If your child does not currently receive SNAP, OWF, or Medicaid:
Your child may still be eligible.
- If your child directly applied for and was approved to receive free school meals based on your household income, they’ll be automatically enrolled, and a card will be mailed.
- If your child attends a school that offers the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program (NSLP), and your household income meets the requirements for free school meals (185 percent of the federal poverty level), but you did not fill out an application for free school meals because your child's school offers free school meals to all students or for some other reason, you will need to apply.
How To Get S-EBT/SUN Bucks
Learn how to apply online or to learn more if your child is automatically enrolled.

How To Use S-EBT/SUN Bucks
Swipe your Ohio Direction Card or S-EBT/SUN Bucks card at locations that accept WIC or SNAP EBT benefits.

Still have questions about the upcoming S-EBT/SUN Bucks program?

Does my child’s school participate in the National School Lunch Program?
If you're not sure whether your child's school participates in the National School Lunch Program, search this database to check.